These are some common mistakes that need to be avoided when towing a vehicle. 

1. Driving beyond the speed limit


When towing a car behind you, it makes sense to reduce speed and acceleration when towing a car behind you. The reason is that driving at high speed puts a lot of pressure on the ropes/cables used to tow the car. Normally, you should not exceed 24 km/h.

2. Applying brake without caution

When towing a vehicle, apply the brakes carefully to prevent the vehicle behind from colliding with the vehicle in front. Not only should you drive slowly, but you should also avoid all emergency stops by being conscious of accuracy and precision. You have to drive as if you have no brakes. If you need to brake, tap it slowly to alert the controller behind you. As the controller of the towing vehicle, how you handle the brakes will determine the success or failure of your towing. Once the vehicle you are towing stops, you need to time your brakes so as not to stop the towing flow in progress.

3. Ignoring the use of warning lights

If your vehicle is being towed, it is very important that the vehicle towing your vehicle has properly functioning brake lights, turn signals, and hazard lights. This helps to anticipate corner stops when maneuvering a towing vehicle. Also, when towing at night, make sure the rear tail lights are on. This is important so that other road users can see that a car is being towed in front of them. If they try to overtake, they will do so carefully. Last but not least, there is a need for tow signs that must be attached to vehicles to warn road users from a distance.

4. Controller is not concentrating

When driving a tow truck, you must act like you are actually driving. Many controllers fail to do this and lose their guard when being towed.

5. Adjusting side mirrors for a wider view


When towing a car, adjust both side mirrors to give a wider view behind you. Side mirrors typically only capture the view of the vehicle you are towing. This is also very important. Simply tilt the side mirrors to expand your field of vision. You should have a view of both the vehicle you are towing and the vehicle behind or beside the approaching vehicle. You should also check your mirrors regularly to make sure everything is in order.

6. Ignoring towing capacity


All cars have towing capacity, and it's always specified in your car's owner's manual. As well as connecting two vehicles with a cable/rope, always make sure the weight of the vehicle you are towing is pulled by your vehicle. Towing another vehicle that exceeds your vehicle's towing capacity A side effect is that it affects your car's chassis and drivetrain (engine and transmission). Try not to bite more than your car can chew. If you don't see your car's manual, you should be able to search the internet for your car's towing capacity.


The safety of the ‘tower’, the vehicle being towed, and other road users shouldn't be taken for granted.